Dealing with Disrespectful Men

Published on 26 December 2024 at 21:26

Men will test your boundaries, and they do so to see what caliber of woman you are. They want to see if you are the type who loves and respects yourself, or if you're the type to allow them to do whatever they want to you because you value their attention over your self-respect. When they push a boundary, you must be willing and able to correct them instead of letting it go. If you let them get away with it, they will do it again, and again. Then, by the time you finally get fed up and correct them, they've already lost respect for you, and you've likely lost respect for them as well.

I'm sure you've heard men say they do whatever women allow. Please take that seriously, because they are telling the truth. They may aware of what they should do while interacting with a woman, but if she allows them to "act out", they will. It's like a child who knows the house rules or classroom rules, but when they are in the presence of the lenient parent or substitute teacher, they break all the rules despite knowing better. You mustn't allow men to think they can break the rules with you. Have a standard of conduct, be serious about your standard, and don't let them treat you below standard without correction.

So, how exactly do you correct them? Good question. You don't have to be rude, especially if they weren't necessarily rude in their conduct. However, you must not hesitate or be vague in what you're saying, because men have a hard time reading between the lines when women are communicating with them. If we aren't direct, they don't know what we mean. Direct doesn't mean be loud, mean, or aggressive. It just means to be clear, simple, and straight to the point. Giving too many details, especially about how something made you feel tends to lose men also. Make it brief and easy for them to digest.

If you happen to deal with a man who refuses to respect boundaries, it's time to let him go. You shouldn't allow him to disrespect you several times before you make this decision. Men who are disrespectful are usually aware of what they're doing. Correcting them the first couple of times is just a way to to teach them how to treat you. But even then, they likely knew what they were doing. Some men will continue to push boundaries despite your correction. These are the men that you have to leave alone and don't look back. Continuing to communicate with them or letting them come in and out of your life only means you don't respect your own boundaries. 

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