You Should've Chosen Better

When you look at the men you've dated in your past, are you pleased with your selection, or do you look at them and say, "I will never choose men like that again?"

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How to Go from Situationship to Relationship

So, let’s get this straight: we have the “We’re just talking” situation, the “We’re just friends but we sleep together” situation, then the “We used to be together, but now we’re on a break” situation, and finally we have the “We’re technically not together, but we aren’t going to date other people either” situation.

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Who's Leading Him?

If adhering to the Bible keeps you in order, then what does your man subscribe to that keeps him in order? This is something God fearing women have to ask themselves before proceeding with a courtship or relationship. It's very difficult for a woman who is religious to have a working relationship with a man who isn't, because the man is not adhering to the same principles and tenants as she is. And sadly, even when they do have the same religious beliefs, the woman still has to be vigilant.

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The Power of Submission

You can't mention the word "submit" without ruffling a few feathers.  And to an extent, it’s understandable. Women have worked very hard to make their own mark in society—getting educated, pursuing a career, and making their own money. These women who are accomplished and independent, or simply perceive themselves to be, seem to have the biggest problem with the idea of submission. When you've accomplished so much on your own, maybe the last thing you want to do is submit yourself to someone who hasn't helped you get where you are in life.

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It's Time to Move On

When you’re in a relationship, your mate has become a significant part of your everyday routine, from waking up in the morning and getting that “good morning, beautiful” text to cuddling on the couch watching Netflix on a rainy Friday night. The good, the bad, and the ugly times are all memorable parts of your experience together. But when you have invested so much time, energy and sometimes money into a person, it can be devastating for the relationship to come to a close. You sit and wonder, “Why did this have to end this way?”

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What Does He Bring to the Table?

While it is important for every woman to know what she has to offer for the sake of knowing her own value, it's also important for her to know what value a man offers in return. Too often, women are satisfied with getting an attractive man's attention. He may not be compatible with them, or doesn't have much going for himself, but the fact that he's appealing and finds them appealing is enough for a woman to begin making an emotional investment into him. This is a mistake. You will never know what a man has to offer until you take a moment to get to know him, but if he hasn't shown himself to be any more special than any other man, he shouldn't go straight to the top of your priority list. 

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