Who's Leading Him?

Published on 25 December 2024 at 23:28

If adhering to the Bible keeps you in order, then what does your man subscribe to that keeps him in order? This is something God fearing women have to ask themselves before proceeding with a courtship or relationship. It's very difficult for a woman who is religious to have a working relationship with a man who isn't, because the man is not adhering to the same principles and tenants as she is. And sadly, even when they do have the same religious beliefs, the woman still has to be vigilant.

While there may be principles in the Bible that men find enlightening or useful, it is very difficult to find men who are committed to reforming themselves based upon biblical laws. Oftentimes, men submit to their biological nature. The only time they follow laws is when they are forced to follow them. The Bible contains laws that are optional, at least in the eyes of many men. There's no one enforcing them to follow the laws of the Bible like the laws of the land. It takes a special kind of man to look at what God requires of him and volunteer to live that way, even though it's going to challenge his nature. 

Do you happen to have a special man who really is living by the Bible to the best of his ability? And I don't mean a man who's upholding the scriptures that applies to you as a woman, because all men revere those. Men who aren't religious will even drop a scripture from Proverbs 31 on you if they think that it will keep you in line. But what about those scriptures that applies to them? Are those upheld? Maybe you've met a few men that you thought were good men even though they didn't have the same beliefs as you, but never forget to find out what it is that keeps them in order. If he is not following God or scripture, then what is he following?

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