Hypergamous Femininity | 12 Week Course

Lessons include:

Week 1: Hypergamy Basics: What Is Hypergamy?

Week 2: Healing Feminine Wounds

Week 3: Choosing Quality Men

Week 4: Increasing Self Confidence

Week 5: Eradicating the Poverty Mindset

Week 6: Reinventing Your Image

Week 7: Changing Your Environment

Week 8: Feminine Etiquette

Week 9: Hypergamous Dating: Tips, Do's, Don'ts & Secrets

Week 10: Beauty & Fashion Tips: How Should Feminine Women Look?

Week 11: Beautifying Your Space: Home Decorating & Homemaking

Week 12: Securing The Bag: Improving Your Finances

Every woman could upgrade her life physically, mentally, and financially today if she truly wanted to. All it takes is new information to create a total shift in perspective, and a new perspective leads to a new game plan. Maybe it's time for an all-new game plan for your life. If so, the Hypergamous Femininity course will help you get started on your journey to living the life you've always desired. You've waited on change long enough, and here is your chance to make it happen. The time for change is now.