Beware of the Manosphere

Published on 3 January 2025 at 21:43

In case you've been living under a rock, there is an online space called "the Manosphere" primarily located on YouTube, but smaller spaces similar to it exist on other social media platforms. In these spaces, single and married men get together and talk about their grievances about women. This has been going on for at least a decade. Even though these men mainly congregate in male spaces, their viewpoints are being spread all over social media and influencing other men, as well as some women. It's important that women, single and married, are aware of what these men are up to even if you aren't currently dating. These types of ideas can still affect you and your household if there is a male present, or if there's a female present who is dating males.

The concept of men getting together and expressing their grievances about women is not harmful on its own, because we all need a safe place to vent. What makes the manosphere dangerous is that these men have been expressing these feelings for several years with no change in mentality, and seemingly no change in their experiences with women. Needless to say, these grievances have progressed to the point where some are speaking violently to and against women, while the other men watch and applaud them for it. Some others see the behavior and find it distasteful, but are still not intervening. This is what puts women at risk, whether married or single. If men are allowed to become verbally violent with women without men intervening, then there's no reason to think that some of them will not take it to the next level and become physically violent.

Will other men intervene then? We don't know, nor should we assume they would. We just have to be prepared to protect ourselves in case things go left. The manosphere attracts men who have obvious mental problems. However, the space is not providing them the help they need, nor are they being told they need help. These men have found the perfect space to coddle them. And this is why many of them have been in the manosphere for years with no growth, no change in mentality, no new epiphanies, and no improvement in their relationship life. There are female content creators in the manosphere as well, and even their rhetoric hasn't progressed for the better. They are relaying the same messages as the men because there is a financial incentive to spew them.

Don't get me wrong, every person in the manosphere is not sick and abusive. I've personally subscribed to a few that I find to be helpful to me. But even in their spaces, you get a few sickos who come by and spew the same harmful messages as others. I would suggest that women take a look at what is being said in the manosphere without engaging. Often times when men find women engaging in the space, they gang up on the them if they don't agree with them. To avoid being lured into a debate, I would advise that you not engage, but monitor what's going on so that you won't be in the dark about what men are really thinking about women. Knowing what's really going on in their minds makes it much easier for women to navigate them.

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