Nation Building 12-Week Marriage Prep Course


Women oftentimes go into polygyny ill-prepared because the practice of polygyny is against our cultural norm, so very few have experience in this type of relationship. This leaves lots of room for women to make unnecessary errors. Fortunately, the Nation Building course thoroughly equips women with knowledge on what steps to take before going into a polygynous marriage. Learn what qualities to look for in your potential husband, how to court righteously and respectfully, how to co-exist with your sister wives and more. 


  1. Week 1: The Importance of Marriage: Is Marriage Still Relevant?
  2. Week 2: Understanding The Masculine Perspective of Marriage
  3. Week 3: The Purpose of Polygyny: Challenges & Benefits
  4. Week 4: Choosing Quality Men: What You Should Require from Polygyny
  5. Week 5: Eradicating the Poverty Mindset
  6. Week 6: Do's & Don'ts of Dating a Polygynous Man
  7. Week 7: Polygynous Living Arrangements: Time, Space, Sex & Money
  8. Week 8: The Power of Love & Commitment
  9. Week 9: Sisterhood In Polygyny: How to Get Along with Your Co-Wives
  10. Week 10: How Polygyny Affects The Children
  11. Week 11: In the Event of Divorce: Legalities & Finances
  12. Week 12: Exuding Self Confidence