- How do you usually react when a man doesn't allow you to have your way?
- How do you usually react when you feel like another woman slighted you?
- How do you usually react when someone doesn't give you what you feel you deserve?
I started with these questions because it allows you to think of the ways you handle situations when someone else seems to have the upper hand or is wielding power over you. This is important to reflect on, because it can give you a little insight into why men want women to have limited power. Sure, women have been rising to power all over the world in higher numbers than ever. But it's very likely that we will never see a day where women have equal power to men. This can be blamed on patriarchy, but we are also to blame. More specifically, our lack of discipline over our emotions.
Women are not very hard to get along with when they're receiving what they want from someone. It is those moments when they're not getting what they want that they cause chaos. What makes this so frustrating is that women will create chaos or react in emotional outbursts even if someone has a track record of treating them well or giving them what they want. They will utilize resources that are made available to them, but if something doesn't go their way, they will rebel against the provider of those resources, biting the hand that feeds them.
They will divorce men who are good fathers, men who were always good husbands but possibly made a mistake, or even men who are better than any man they could ever find elsewhere. They will still divorce these men if they are unhappy. Being disloyal is very common with American women. And it isn't just towards men that they are in relationships with, it's also towards other women. This is partially why so many women struggle with creating solid relationships with each other.
This extreme loyalty to one's emotions, while being willing to sacrifice everything else is why men, to the best of their ability, keep power out of women's hands. It is very risky to allow someone who operates this way to have access to high positions, unlimited resources, or be the decision maker in the room. A woman must show herself worthy to have this type of power. She must show herself to be different than the vast majority of women.
Luckily, not every woman makes important decisions based upon her emotions, and this is what other women must learn to do if gaining power or being recognized as a leader is something they would like. Men will keep anyone, male or female, subjugated if that person has been proven not to be able to handle power or privilege. Men who rise to power but are corrupt eventually fall. They get punished by the men who are more structured and lawful. This is why patriarchy has been around for thousands of years. Although some women have an issue with it, it's working because there are rules that are being obeyed. If you can't follow the rules, you can't be trusted in the game.
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