I recently made a post in a philosophy group on Facebook. It was my first time posting in the group and I was awaiting the admin to approve the post. In the post, I shared my take on how I believe feminism limits women's intellect. I said there are so few female philosophers because once women discover feminism, it's as philosophical as we're willing to go, because if we learn anything afterwards that conflicts with feminism, we will dismiss it. I also shared my own experience on how I became a feminist as a teen, but in my twenties, there were things that I learned but couldn't accept because it didn't pass the feminism litmus test.
Anyway, the admin did not approve my post, but instead, created his own version of it! That's right. He said the same thing I said, except in "man words". And then it hit me. Maybe this is also why there are so few female philosophers. The men who think philosophy is a man's sport probably took concepts and theories from women who were unknown or unpopular, and passed it off as their own ideas. The man gets all the credit and glory for it, and the woman they stole it from is never known.
I didn't suspect that something as simple as a Facebook post was going to get hijacked, but it showed me how valuable a concept is, especially to those who want to portray themselves as "logical". It also showed me that there are some concepts and ideas that need to be protected, because not everyone will do the ethical thing with it. Knowledge is power, and not everyone can handle this kind of power. Lastly, it showed me the value of the female mind. While we are not deemed as the logical gender, we still have a perspective on life that men do not have. We experience things as a woman that they just do not experience, and our philosophies are shaped around that.
There is no way a man can have the same worldview as a woman, because we live two different realities. But the beautiful thing is both of our perspectives are aluable. We both can see things that the other gender cannot. We both have an understanding of things that the other gender may not understand. It's just that the female perspective of the world must be more respected when it's coming straight out of the mouth of a female. We shouldn't have to hear the female perspective from the mouth of a male in order for it to have validity. And the sad thing about it is men are fully aware that our ideas are less respected when they are coming straight from us. But instead of advocating for women to be respected as great minds, they would rather steal our ideas for themselves.
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