If you haven't heard about the decentering men movement, this is a movement where women are seeking to remove men from being high priorities in their lives. Some even claim they do not want to be with men at all, and some only want men for sexual or financial purposes, but not for love and marriage. Women are, and have been for quite some time, dissatisfied with their experiences with men. We all know what it feels like to have a man in our life that we give our all to and he let us down in some way. That is something that can make a lasting impression on a woman forever, especially if she is having the same types of experiences with other men.
Not every woman who's fed up with men is a man-hater. Women have the right to be upset, fed up, and disappointment with what they've been experiencing. We are not required to enjoy everything men put us through just to prove our love for them. With that said, the decentering men movement is one that seems to be anti-male. Maybe it didn't begin that way. Maybe that isn't the case for some of the women in the movement, but movements like this tend to attract women who see no worth or hope in men, and they don't want other women to see value in them either.
While there is nothing wrong with making men less of a priority, there is something wrong with women who are hopeless and would like to get revenge on men. These types join movements where the other women are simply trying to place themselves in a more favorable position in their own lives, without making men the villain and blaming them for everything wrong with the world. It is oftentimes women who hate me men who want to influence the women who still love and care for men, and want them to turn on men as they've done.
Whether you are a part of the decentering men movement, know that having a man in your life or wanting a man doesn't make you a villain. It doesn't make you the enemy to women, and it doesn't make you an enemy to yourself. Men and women are going to be together in some way, shape, or form. Don't allow these movements to convince you that there is no place for relationships or men in your life, if that is what you desire. Do what you feel is best for you, as they are doing what they feel is best for them. And remember, people will always try to control other people's lives if they are allowed to. Make no mistake about it, women love power just like men. And if they can control other women to achieve a personal goal, they will.
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