True Sisterhood Starts Here...

Published on 26 December 2024 at 20:53
  1. If things were to go wrong, who is the first woman you will call?
  2. What can you rely on other women for?
  3. What do you prefer to get from a woman rather than a man? 

The questions above are a mini quiz to help you get a clear idea of your true perspective of sisterhood. We often speak well of the idea of sisterhood. Many of us would like to have a stronger connection with the women around us, including women that we never met before, but is this a realistic desire? Is it possible that we can build a strong enough relationship with other women where we can have each other's back the same way men do?

That would all depend upon if we really believe we need each other. We may say that we need each other when we are suffering at the hands of men, but when we are not, do we still feel like we need other women? If the answer to that is no, then that explains why we don't have a strong sisterhood. We can't keep using sisterhood as an escape or rehab from the trauma we endured with men. And while sisterhood is useful for that, there is more women have to offer than the ability to lick each other's wounds. Enjoying the good times with each other is necessary also. It's not really fair to give our best days and moments to men, then when we are angry, hurt, or hopeless, run to our female counterparts for them to pick up the slack.

We must learn that women have more purpose than this. The good news, however, is, the fact that we run to women to be healed shows that we are aware of the healing properties of femininity. This is a strength that women have, and it definitely adds value to us. But if we have the ability to heal a broken woman, we also have the ability to prevent that woman from being broken in the first place. If we seek each other's counsel, support, and love, we probably would not experience so much hardship with men. But instead, we try to wing it with no leadership or counsel from other women. This isolates us from each other, and places us in a position where we are solely relying upon the man in our life for support. 

The only way this could change is if women begin to see a relationship with other women as a need, just as they do relationships with men. If we don't view a relationship with other women as essential, we will always treat each other like an afterthought. Sisterhood will only be a rehab that we check ourselves into when our relationships with men don't go our way.

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