To live a soft life means to live as stress-free as possible, and a huge part of this is keeping yourself protected. Being exposed to too many "harsh elements" will make you rough and hardened. Then, you'll start to put yourself in situations that a soft woman would avoid. if you haven't noticed, many women nowadays seem to want to be in chaos. They want drama and conflict. They love to argue and be in the middle of a fight. I remember watching a clip of comedian Charleston White getting into a fight on stage at a comedy show. A huge group of men were on stage scuffling, then two women ran up on stage as if they were about to break up a brawl between a group of men. A soft woman would have ran away from it.
Times have changed, so when you see a fight break out, you don't know if someone has a gun. The best thing to do would be to get out of dodge. But those women ran towards the danger instead of away. This is unfortunately not an isolated incident. I've been noticing girls doing this since I was in school. An all out brawl will break out, fists flying, desks and books getting knocked over, and the girls were running towards it, instead of away. Many of our mothers didn't teach us to stay out of situations like this. They didn't teach us how to preserve our softness, and now we willingly invite ourselves into predicaments that will put us in danger or make us hardened.
To live a soft life, you will have to begin putting yourself in softer environments. Some of the places you frequent and the people you hang around may have to change. You will also have to stop volunteering to be around or near chaos. We all know that certain types of drama piques our interest, and we want to know or see what's going on. But you are better safe than sorry. If you must know what happened, you'll hear about it later. No need to be involved. Finally, avoid men who aren't protective over you. These are the men who will either allow something to happen to you, or invite you into a situation that could be potentially harmful. Men can be protective, but they aren't protective of all women. The men who would be most protective of you are those who already know and love you.
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