Competition is necessary for the workforce, business, and sports. But let's be honest: it's a survival mechanism. It's what we do when we feel like something is scarce or at stake. For example, animals must compete for food because it's not a guarantee that they will eat every day. But for most humans, it is. We can fill our refrigerators, stop by restaurants, and eat all day long if we wanted to. This is why we don't compete for food. It's abundant for us, so there's no need to compete.
Also, notice when animals are taken out of their competitive environment, they become tame. No matter how ferocious they are, if you remove them from the wild, make the resources they need abundant, and make them comfortable, their ferocity starts to dwindle. The same is true for a ferocious woman. Once a woman is taken out of her competitive environment, and provided with the resources she needs, she's able to be comfortable, relaxed, and soft once again. You can't be yourself while you are in competition mode. You will be forced to bring out your aggressive side, which may not be comfortable for you, but you have to do it because you perceive something to be scarce or at stake.
If you are a working woman, you will have to be competitive to some degree, but you don't have to do so unnecessarily. You can choose to not engage in any unnecessary competition, even if someone seems to be trying to compete with you. Understand that many women are stuck in competitive mode because they are not secure in their lives, and feel as though they are going to lose something if they don't constantly fight for it. It's annoying at times, but try to have some empathy. Show yourself this empathy as well. It's hard to get out of competition mode when you are used to competing. But it's time to create a safe space for yourself.
What makes you feel relaxed? What takes your stresses away? When do you feel safe? When do you feel secure? Who do you feel safest around? Start incorporating these activities and people into your life more often. This will help you to create a competition-free environment for you.
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