Recently, I had a conversation with a former classmate who I haven't seen in about 17 years. He found me on Instagram, then we exchanged numbers to keep in touch. After having a few conversations, we both saw that we were not each other's cup of tea, so we decided to distance ourselves. A few days later, he sends me a text message saying, "I miss our conversations, minus the stupid sh*t you say." But I'm pretty sure that the "stupid sh*t I say" is exactly what he misses. He just calls it stupid because he doesn't understand what I mean or where I'm coming from when I say it.
I found this to be the case with many men that I have had in depth conversations with. When I'm agreeing with them, everything is alright. But when I'm expressing a viewpoint that is different than theirs, or just different than what they've ever heard before, suddenly my intelligence gets insulted. They say things like, "You don't know what you're talking about" or "That makes no sense". For some reason, a man can't admit that something a woman said went over his head. If it went over his head, he has to make it out to be unintelligent or stupid.
What's wrong with saying, "I don't understand what you mean. Could you explain?" When I have a conversation with a man and not understand what he means, and I never feel the need to make him out to be unintelligent just because I don't understand him. I am fully aware that I don't know everything, nor do I understand everything, and this doesn't make the person that I don't understand less intelligent than me. I would love if men started showing women this same grace. Sure, there are plenty of women who engage in "b*tch babble," as they say, and simply love to hear themselves talk. But not understanding a what a woman is talking about shouldn't automatically qualify her thoughts to be thrown into the b*tch babble category.
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