The value of a man has already been discovered. What makes a man loving, strong, and most of all, righteous has already been discovered. It's just that, today, we are always trying to reinvent the wheel on what gives a man value. Some women say that men need more emotional intelligence, that they need to be more communicative, spend more time with their children, or be more romantic. And then there are others that say men are too soft and need to spend more time working, building, and conducting themselves with authority.
And then we have men who are also divided about what men need to become. Some men think men need to try harder to make themselves suitable for the woman they desire, while other men think a man should just be himself and women will like him as he is is. There will always be debate and division on how men should present themselves in this world, but let's recognize that men have unique qualities that are exclusive to manhood, and no one can replace these qualities.
As much as women would like to view themselves as equal to men, there are things that men can do that women just cannot. This has always been what made men the most valuable. Sure, being warm, likable, and conversational are good traits, but they are not unique to manhood. It has always been those courageous, heavy lifting, protective, disciplinary acts that men do that makes them different than a woman. Women and children look to men to maintain order, keep the environment safe, put away bad guys, make sure the family is fed, and keep a roof over their head. Sometimes a man who takes care of all of this isn't necessarily "likable", but he certainly is a valuable man.
Women must understand that if a man has the soft, gentle traits that they say they want, he may not be the best protector, provider and disciplinarian. And if he is a great protector, provider and disciplinarian, he may not be very warm and gentle. But that doesn't mean he's any less loving. And men will have to accept this same notion. You don't have to try to be everything a woman could ever ask for. Just be what's most important. Be the man a woman could never be on her own. Bring those qualities that she could never bring. This is where your true value lies.
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