You are one of a kind, and it's possibly your greatest strength. It may not feel like it because being unique can sometimes feel like a burden.
Being misunderstood, judged, or treated like an outcast because of your unique ways is enough to make you wish you were just like everyone else. We all feel tempted to conform. But if you were to conform to what others would like you to be, would you be happy? Probably not, and essentially, the people you conformed with wouldn't either. They will eventually know you were only going along to get along, but not really being your authentic self. It's pretty odd, because although people seem to want others to be relatable, they also dislike when others are being fake. They much rather have you be authentic and unrelatable than for you to be fake and relatable.
There is power in being genuine, and even more power in having people around you who love who you are authentically. They may have to learn to get used to your ways, but they will like it. They will enjoy the breath of fresh air you bring. They will enjoy having someone in their life who isn't like all the others. Make no mistake about it, people are searching for someone just like you. Not everyone wants to surround themselves with carbon copies of the same types of personalities. So, continue to be the breath of fresh air that people need. Let them be intrigued by you and gravitate towards your energy. We all need someone in our lives who won't conform. Be that person.
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